This summer we held our second annual “Show Us Your Sign” contest. We asked our customers to send us images and videos of their ATS signs, and then we posted each submission on Facebook. The submission that received the most likes, comments, and shares won a free Shield radar speed sign with 90 days of TraffiCloudⓇ!
Thank you to everyone who submitted photos and videos to the contest, and congratulations to our first, second, and third place winners:
First Place: Hopewell Township Police Department
Hopewell Township Police Department uses their ATS sign and trailer as part of their daily traffic control and enforcement duties, and to address citizens’ traffic safety concerns. Their sign is used in various areas around their community to reduce speeding and help ensure safer roads for residents and children.
For their winning submission, Hopewell Township Police Department put together a fun video that showcases the space available in the trailer battery box – watch for yourself to see what fun the video has in store!
“Hopewell Township Police Department takes pride in making our streets safer for our residents and children. Although our video is slightly humorous in nature, officers within our department are serious about traffic enforcement and strive to make the roadways safer for all motorists and pedestrians.” – Sergeant Jill Banovsky, Hopewell Township Police Department
Second Place: Orrville Police Department/City of Orrville
The Orville Police Department uses their SpeedAlert 18 radar message sign to remind drivers to slow down in four different spots for their school zones. The signs are programmed to flash “Slow Down” and “School Zone” to remind drivers to adhere to the lowered speed limit.

Third Place: Elizabeth Township
Elizabeth Township has placed multiple SpeedAlert signs with speed-dependent messaging in school zones across their township. If a driver is speeding, those drivers will receive flashing lights with the message “Slow Down.” If a driver is going the speed limit, drivers will receive a kind “Thank You” message, as shown in the image below.
It created such a positive impact the signs made the local news!

Once again, thank you to everyone who entered this contest – we always love seeing the many ways our signs are used in communities across the nation! It was great to see the support on social media for every submission. Here are the other submissions from this year’s contest:
Edgewater Park Police Department
In our first entry for the Show Us Your Sign contect, the Edgewater Police Department placed their SpeedAlert 24 on an ATS 5 trailer to deter speeding on Bridgeboro Road in their township.

Baca County Public Health Agency
Baca County Public Health Agency bought two InstAlert 24 variable message signs in 2021 to use at COVID-19 mass vaccine clinics. They were looking for a way to share information with the public with high visibility, and their InstAlert signs have helped them accomplish that! In their entry for this contest, the Baca County Public Health Agency used their two InstAlert 24 variable message signs to promote the availability of flu and COVID-19 vaccines.
“These message boards have been an excellent way to reach the public! We have had lots of awesome feedback as well when we use the message boards for vaccine clinics. A huge THANK YOU to All Traffic Solutions for providing us with this amazing setup, you all have been great to work with and we look forward to continued business with you!” – Keshian Holcomb, Administrative Assistant for Baca County Public Health Agency
Stevens Point Police Department
You can see Stevens Point Police Department’s SpeedAlert 18 radar message sign make an appearance in their Traffic Safety Bulletin Video. Stevens Point PD created this video not only for the Show Us Your Sign Contest, but also to let their community know that they are listening to and are addressing citizen concerns. Stevens Point Police Department uses their SpeedAlert 18 on a weekly basis to resolve speeding concerns across their community.
Midland Park Police Department
Midland Park Police Department, an ATS customer for nearly 20 years, made a TikTok that showed off their ATS signs and included some fun and product-relevant music! Their SpeedAlert radar message trailer and Shield radar speed sign are so frequently requested for use that the Midland Park Police Department has a waiting list! Using their signs most of the year, residents in Midland Park may see the sign displaying messages like: “Patterson Ave. is not a highway” and “Free today … Speeding tickets… $200!”
“[The signs] are requested frequently where I have a waiting list. I am always trying to come up with new and catchy ways to get the attention of motorists.” – Sergeant Noah Van Vliet, Midland Park Police Department
goHunderton uses their Shield radar speed sign to conduct speed studies for municipalities free of charge! The speed studies are part of a larger pedestrian safety campaign in New Jersey called Street Smart NJ.

Matthews Police Department
Matthews Police Department has their signs out and operational 24/7 in four different locations across their town. Besides reminding drivers to slow down, the signs are also used to communicate information about town events, road closures, and more. In this video, Matthews Police Department’s ATS 5 Trailer is out on the street to remind drivers and passengers to wear their seatbelt.
Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office
Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office, partnering with the Virginia DMV and NHTSA, conducted their Click It or Ticket program with the help of their SpeedAlert 24 radar message trailer. Extra enforcement throughout the county was supplemented by direct messaging to drivers using the trailer.

Princeton Police Department
Princeton Police Department typically uses their portable SpeedAlert 18 radar message sign to reduce speeding, collect traffic data, and increase safety at intersections, but when a local school asked to borrow it on the last day of school for their “Field Day” activities, Princeton Police Department was happy to help!
“Unfortunately it rained and they had to do it inside, but the mobility of the sign still made this a success! Our department, community, and political leaders all love our All Traffic Solutions sign.” – Chief of Police Derek McGraw, Princeton Police Department

Camden County Sheriff’s Office
The Camden County Sheriff’s Office in North Carolina uses their SpeedAlert 18 radar message signs as force-multipliers to help calm traffic, conduct speed studies, prioritize speed enforcement, execute traffic safety campaigns, and provide information to their citizens.
“This technology is vital in our mission to provide immediate response to community concerns, as well as effective remedies to those concerns… The citizens of Camden County are thrilled with the implementation of this technology, as we have received tremendously positive feedback. We are proud to have this continued relationship with All Traffic Solutions!” –Sheriff J. Kevin Jones, Camden County Sheriff’s Office

Hempfield Township Department of Public Works
Hempfield Township Department of Public Works is shown here performing one of their first installations of their ATS Shield radar speed sign. Because the Shieldsigns are PennDOT-approved, Hempfield Township Department of Public Works is able to offer these traffic calming services to their residents, even if those residents are not living on a Township maintained roadway!

Surfside Beach Club HOA
Surfside Beach Club HOA often moves their Shield 12 radar speed sign around their 504-home community to help reduce speeding and modify driving behaviors to cultivate a safer community for all.
“We move [the] around our community to demonstrate engagement throughout and ensure all drivers have visibility into the program. Our goal is to provide feedback to the community with positive reinforcement, ultimately improving safety.” – Vice President of Surfside Beach Club Homeowners Association Anne Kirsch

Golden Drift Historical Society
Golden Drift Historical Society is a 501(c) 3 nonprofit organization that provides safety measures and historical learnings to its small community. The community had been experiencing a lot of speeding on a 25 mph road, and with no law enforcement in their rural community, it was a significant concern. To address speeding, Golden Drift Historical Society worked with Placer County Public Works to implement a radar speed sign with solar power in order to enforce the 25 mph speed limit on one of the two roads in their community. Since installing the Shield 12 radar speed sign, they have seen a significant drop in speeding.

Selma Police Department
Selma Police Department used their SpeedAlert 18 radar message sign to rto congratulate the Selma School Class of 2022 on graduating, while still collecting speed and volume data! Along with the celebratory message, their SpeedAlert radar message sign was used to congratulate students from specific schools on the day of their graduation.

Muskego Police Department
Muskego Police Department place their signs based on citizen and community concerns to help reduce speeding and keep community roads safe.

Lawrenceburg Police Department
Lawrenceburg Police Department uses their SpeedAlert 24 on an ATS 5 trailer to warn speeders to slow down, specifically on their state highways and city streets. They also use their SpeedAlert 24 to display messages for events that are happening in Lawrenceburg throughout the year.
“The ATS Speed Trailer, which we have had for many years, has been a very dependable and very big asset to out Police Department!” – Officer Rosengarn, Lawrenceburg Police Department

Marshall Township
Here is Marshall Township proudly showing off their Shield 12 radar speed sign, which they use to reduce speeding throughout one of their parks.

University of Nebraska at Omaha
The University of Nebraska at Omaha Department of Public Safety use their InstAlert and SpeedAlert signs as part of a larger vehicular and pedestrian traffic control strategy around the University Community Area, Baxter Arena, and Maverick Park. The three sports and entertainment venues are located between major multi-lane roadways with high trafficked side streets, along with sporadic pedestrian crosswalks. With their InstAlert 24 variable message sign, University of Nebraska at Omaha was able to display up-to-date information for road closures and parking. With their SpeedAlert 24 radar message sign, they were able to slow drivers so pedestrians could safely cross the streets.
“Compared to a 4-week analysis taken in November 2021, a 106% increase in traffic flow was documented by the SpeedAlert 18 trailers in May 2022. The All Traffic Solutions equipment was key in ensuring the safe and efficient flow of over 99,000 vehicles during these events.” – Campus Security Officer Andrew Sage, University of Nebraska at Omaha Department of Public Safety

Yuma County Public Works
Yuma County Public Works prioritizes safety, and that’s why they use their InstAlert 24 on a vehicle hitch 250 to 500 feet away from construction to display messages for work zones to help slow down traffic.

About All Traffic Solutions
All Traffic Solutions is a leading provider of portable variable message and radar speed signs that are made in the USA. Since the company’s inception in 2000, ATS has helped over 6,000 government agencies, higher education institutions, and private sector organizations manage traffic, share information with the public, and improve overall safety. To learn more, visit or follow All Traffic Solutions on Facebook or LinkedIn.